Session Format and Prompts

Before the workshops started we created a parent pack with information about the upcoming sessions.

Before the workshops started we created a parent pack with information about the upcoming sessions:

We decided that each of the three sessions should follow the same format, in order that participants would know what to expect:


An explanation of what the session is about, the creative prompts for that session and the materials that can be used.

An opportunity to introduce the adults who are supporting that day and an invitation to everybody else to introduce themselves, including their pronouns, but only if they want to.

Creative Game

A quick game to warm everyone up and get creative brains working!

Ideas and Discussion

Talking together about the creative prompts as a group, asking and answering questions.


The main body of time for everyone to work on their contributions – everyone is free to choose what they would like to do, whether they want to work individually or with others.

Sharing and Feedback

What we enjoyed, what it made us think about and what we would like to explore next. Plus confirming sharing permissions for the work created.


Each session had its own unique prompts but they are designed to build upon each other. The main prompt thread was:

  • How would you describe yourself in three words?
  • How would you describe youth club in three words?
  • How would you describe Croydon in three words?

The secondary prompts:

  • What makes you “you”?
  • What makes youth club “youth club”?
  • What makes Croydon “Croydon”?
  • What is an object that describes you?
  • What is your favourite place we [youth club] have been?
  • What is your favourite place in Croydon?
  • What makes you laugh?
  • What is your favourite memory or story about Youth Club?
  • What is your favourite memory or story about Croydon?
  • What makes you overwhelmed?
  • What other safe spaces do you know/visit?
  • What is a perfect safe space?
  • How to treat me well…
  • What would be in our Youth Club manifesto?
  • What is one thing I would change about Croydon and why?

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